Please note, a version of this letter was included in the October issue of the Eagle. Since that letter was mailed, we have been advised that Diocesan guidelines will be changing soon (increasing the number of people who can attend, etc.). As these guidelines change, more information will be distributed via email and on the St. John's website

23 September 2020

Dear friends in Christ,

The Diocese of Indianapolis recently approved St. John’s regathering plan. That means that we can gather for in-person worship provided it is safe to do so. With that in mind, the vestry has agreed to reopen the church for in-person worship beginning, Sunday, October 11th. For the first Sunday, we will have one in-person service at 9:00 a.m. (the Zoom service will continue to gather at 10:15 a.m.). Per our regathering plan and Diocesan recommendations, worship services will be limited to no more than 25 participants (including clergy and other ministers). We will use online software to register those attending, and registration is necessary. Details on how to register will be forthcoming.

You can read the complete regathering plan by clicking HERE.

I am certain that, like me, each of you has deeply missed worshiping together, receiving the sacraments, and gathering in sacred space. I encourage you, however, to use common sense and your best judgment about whether it is safe for you or your family to attend worship. The clergy are now able to bring home communion to members of the parish. If it is not advisable for you to attend church at this time, please contact the church office at 765.742.4079, and someone will bring communion to you.

As a community, we continue to wait in faith and hope, not just for the end of the pandemic, but for the fullness of God’s Kingdom. After all, that is the thing we are called to wait for and to work for. Despite these difficult times, we continue to be the Church and to do the Church’s work—worshiping, sharing God’s love, and making Christ known. We are the Body of Christ whether we are in the building, on Zoom, feeding those who are hungry, marching for justice, or sitting quietly in prayer, or checking-in with one another over the phone. Let us continue waiting and working together.

Please know that you continue to remain in my prayers and in the prayers of St. John’s. I remain,

Faithfully yours,

The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, Rector
