Other Sacramental Ministry at St. John's Lafayette

Reconciliation of a Penitent (Private Confession)

The ministry of reconciliation, which has been committed by Christ to his Church, is exercised through the care each Christian has for others, through the common prayer of Christians assembled for public worship, and through the priesthood of the church and its ministers declaring absolution.

“The Reconciliation of a Penitent is available for all who desire it. It is not restricted to times of sickness. Confessions may be heard anytime and anywhere.
— The Book of Common Prayer

In the Episcopal Church, the Reconciliation of a Penitent (also known as “private confession” in other traditions) is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution. As we often put it, “All may, some should, none must.” In other words, there may come a time in a person’s life of faith that the private and specific articulation of past behaviors or actions become a burden and an obstacle to further growth. Those burdens should be shared and offered to God.

To schedule a time to meet with a member of the clergy, please contact St. John's at 765.742.4079 or by EMAIL.

Lay Eucharistic Visitation & Ministry to the Sick

The Church’s ministry to the sick includes not only prayer and pastoral visitation but also the administration of Holy Communion by the clergy or a layperson.

Holy Communion is brought from the bread and wine blessed on a Sunday morning during the parish liturgy. Holy Unction is the anointing of the sick with oil blessed by the bishop or a priest as part of the Church’s ministry to the sick.

Because Jesus connected healing and forgiveness, the sacrament of Reconciliation of a Penitent is always available for those whose healing and wholeness might be impeded by some past experience that blocks their acceptance of God’s mercy, love and grace.

For more information, please contact St. John's Episcopal Church by at 765.742.4079 or by EMAIL.