Worship at St. John’s Lafayette
“St. John’s Episcopal Church is a worshiping community called by Christ to grow spiritually and to nurture that growth in others...”
Worship is at the heart of the Christian faith and life, but it is especially dear to Episcopalians. It is the foundation of this church community's identity. At its heart, our worship is rooted in ancient tradition, the sacraments, the incarnation, and beauty.
We worship using the Book of Common Prayer, first published in 1549 and revised and adapted many times since to meet the needs of changing times and peoples. Our worship also maintains an unbroken connection to the earliest forms of Christian worship. Many throughout the centuries have found this way of worshiping God to be both grounding and fulfilling. Many of us have found that this ancient worship speaks to us still, since it is responsive both to age old questions and new complexities. So while our worship can seem complicated at first, it is well worth the effort.
Our normal worship includes the celebration of Holy Communion or Eucharist (Eucharist from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving”). In the Episcopal Church, all baptized persons are welcome to share in the Eucharistic feast. The Church teaches that this bread and wine are made holy, consecrated, by the community's prayers and that they become the actual body and blood of Christ. In this sense, the bread and wine are truly sacramental: they become an “an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace.”
The Christian faith is incarnational - celebrating the good news of God become incarnate or embodied in Christ - and so we believe that Christian worship should be incarnational as well. That is why we use real things in our worship: real bread, real wine, real candles, real music, real flowers. And, we worship as real people! We make missteps, mispronounce words or names, and sing out the wrong note from time to time. As you enter into worship with us, please don’t worry about mistakes. Mistakes are a part of the human experience. We also worship with our bodies. We move in worship - crossing, greeting, bowing, sitting, standing, and sometimes kneeling. Watch what others are doing and feel free to go along as you are comfortable. For some “official” guidelines, check the italicized instructions (rubrics) in the bulletin or in the Book of Common Prayer.
More than anything else, our worship is characterized by beauty - the beauty of our prayers, the beauty of stained glass, the beauty of candlelight, the beauty of sacred music, and the beauty of sacred mystery. There is nothing that Anglican Christians or Episcopalians do so well as beautiful worship.
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship. For more information about children in worship at St. John's, click HERE.
Here are some of the ways you can take part
As and Acolyte (server at the altar) – Acolytes light and extinguish the candles, carry the cross during processions, assist in receiving the gifts and preparing the table for the Eucharist, and in other ways to ensure that services run smoothly. An acolyte must be at least 9 years old and mature enough to be comfortable apart from parents during the service. For more information about serving as an Acolyte, contact George Moore.
As an Altar Guild Member – The Altar Guild assists by caring for the vessels, vestments, linens and candles of our worship. Members serve once every four weeks, and cover Sunday and weekday Eucharists and any funerals or weddings in their week. Periodic social gatherings are scheduled during the program year. For more information about serving on the altar guild, contact Bradley Pace.
As a Member of the Choir – The choirs provide the primary musical leadership for the Sunday and other special services. Ours are volunteer choirs, and anyone with an interest in singing is welcome to give it a try. You must attend rehearsals to sing on Sundays, and the rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:15 – 9:00 pm and on Sundays at 9:15 am. (Click HERE to learn more about Music at St. John’s.)
As a Lector (a reader of Scripture) – The only qualification for this ministry is that you are comfortable in reading in front of a crowd! Lectors are scheduled at all services throughout the year and, yes, we give you the readings in advance. A member of the congregation is available to give some pointers on reading and speaking in public – speak with one of the clergy if you think this would help you. For more information about serving as a Lector or Lay Eucharistic Minister, contact Bradley Pace.
As a Lay Eucharistic Minister – These persons are selected by the clergy and licensed by the bishop to assist in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist, and receive specific training for this ministry. Persons called to this ministry must be active members of the congregation and willing to assist at services other than on Sunday morning (e.g. special Christmas or Holy Week services or occasionally a funeral). In addition to assisting in communion, LEMs also lead the Prayers of the People and on occasion take other roles in the liturgy under the direction of the rector. For more information about serving as a Lector or Lay Eucharistic Minister, contact Bradley Pace.
As an Oblationer – These persons assist in presenting the bread, wine, money and in-kind gifts of the congregation at the Offertory of the Eucharist of the later service. This is an easy activity for families to do together. For more information about serving as an oblationer, contact Bradley Pace.
As an Usher – Ushers provide welcome and hospitality. They greet people at the door, offer the service bulletin and answer any questions visitors may have. They help find seats when the church is crowded, oversee the collection and presentation of the congregation’s offering, and move people forward in an efficient manner at the time of communion. Then they help to straighten the pews and book racks following the service. Ushers who are able will often help at weekday funerals. For more information about serving as an Usher, contact Ray Polstra.
If you would like more information about other ways to serve at St. John’s, contact Bradley Pace at 765.742.4079 or by EMAIL.
Sunday Worship
Regular Schedule (September-May)
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
A quiet service lasting about forty-five minutes that includes scripture, sermon, traditional prayers, and Holy Communion. This service includes hymns once each month.
9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom
An online prayer service lasting about forty-five minutes that includes scripture, sermon, prayers, and music. You can join the service by clicking HERE. You can also download the worship bulletin by clicking HERE.
10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
The parish’s primary worship service lasting a little over one hour that includes scripture, sermon, prayers, and Holy Communion in modern language along with music led by our choir.
Sunday Worship
Summer (June-August)
9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom
An online prayer service lasting about forty-five minutes that includes scripture, sermon, prayers, and music.
You can join the service by clicking HERE. You can also download the worship bulletin by clicking HERE.
10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
The parish’s primary worship service lasting a little over one hour that includes scripture, sermon, prayers, and Holy Communion in modern language along with music.