Welcome to St. John's Lafayette
“St. John’s Episcopal Church is a worshiping community called by Christ to grow spiritually and to nurture that growth in others, to strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being, to share God’s love and our lives by reaching out to our community, and to make Christ known through word and action.”
My name is Bradley Pace, and I am the rector (or senior priest) at ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Lafayette, Indiana.
St. John's is a Christian community committed to live out the promises of baptism: to stand in awe of the God known in the ancient Christian creeds; to continue in the Apostles’ teaching and prayers and in the breaking of bread; and to resisting evil, proclaiming the Good News of God’s love, loving our neighbor, and striving for justice. We WORSHIP the God made known in Jesus, seek to SHARE God's love and our lives by reaching out to our community, especially with those in need, and strive to MAKE CHRIST KNOWN.
In the Greater Lafayette community, St. John's is known especially for beautiful music and traditional, Anglican worship; for our service to the wider community ; and for a gracious theology that acknowledges the complexity of faith while welcoming everyone into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your interest in St. John's. If you have already attended worship here or have come to the church for some other reason, I hope that you found St. John's to be a place of welcome and Christian hospitality. If you are looking for a church home, we would love to share the ministry of St. John's with you. If you are simply passing through, it is our prayer that God will go with you. If you have not yet found your way to St. John's, especially if you have not yet worshiped with us, please do so. You will find holy worship and a community of people dedicated to the service of God.
If we might be of assistance in any way, please feel free to call on me or another member of the parish’s CLERGY and STAFF. Click HERE for more information about visiting St. John's.
In love and service,
The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace, Rector