St. John’s Lafayette Sharing Ministries
“ strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being, to share God’s love and our lives by reaching out to our community...”
St. John’s Lafayette Supports
“The LUM Protein Pantry” at St. John’s — The LUM Protein Food Pantry is open Monday afternoons (1-4 p.m.) and Thursday mornings (10 a.m. – noon) at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 6th Street between North & Ferry Streets, Lafayette, IN. Enter the Red Door under the Green Awning. The LUM Protein Food Pantry features proteins, produce & paper products (The Three Ps). Local families in need are able to select canned and frozen meats & fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans & legumes, peanut butter, paper products, and more.
Hunger Hike — Hunger Hike is an annual community fundraising event whose mission is to raise the awareness of and make a difference in the fight against hunger. Hunger Hike is open to participants of all ages and abilities who share a common goal: Fighting Hunger! The Hunger Hike main event is the opening ceremonies on Sunday — immediately followed by the traditional Hunger Hike 1.5K Walk.
Jubilee Christmas — Jubilee Christmas is a special LUM program for families with children ages 12 and younger. Families who participate in Jubilee Christmas are invited to a host site and are able to select new toys for their children. Families also receive some food items to make their Christmas dinner more special.
The Immigration Clinic — The LUM Immigration Clinic helps individuals from other countries, who are legally in the US, to navigate the often difficult and confusing Immigration and Naturalization Service bureaucracy.
Other Outreach at St. John’s Lafayette
Support Groups
St. John’s gives space to several Twelve Step-based recovery programs throughout the week. Meetings and storage space for each group are on the Outreach Level of the church buildings. The meetings have full privacy and their own building access. To see the meeting schedule, click HERE to visit the parish calendar.
Community Performing Arts
St. John’s supports community arts initiatives such as the Master Chorale, the Tippecanoe Chamber Music Society, and other organizations. For information about using St. John's facilities, please contact our building use coordinator Bill McInerney.
Sack lunches are available for anyone who comes to the church in need of a quick meal. Please come to the parish office for a sack lunch.
LUM Community Thanksgiving Meal
Every Thanksgiving LUM sponsors this community meal that serves approximately 300 persons. It is served at Central Presbyterian Church.
St. John’s helps by providing several cooked and boned turkeys, and other food items as requested. Volunteers cook and carve the turkeys at home or at the church kitchen. Turkeys are delivered on Thanksgiving morning to the meal site.
A call-out for turkey cooks is made during Sunday services as Thanksgiving approaches.
The Rector’s Discretionary Fund can provide foil cooking pans, and reimburse the cost of the turkeys as needed.
Annual Offerings
During the course of the church year, several specific offerings are taken up from the congregation to support various diocesan and church-wide ministries.
The United Thank Offering is gathered in the spring and fall and ultimately distributed to ministry programs throughout the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion.
An offering for Episcopal Relief and Development is taken in conjunction with Lenten study resources, or on the occasion of specific disasters which leave persons in need. This money is distributed through ERD in concert with the local Anglican authorities and ecumenical partners throughout the world.
An offering for the Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East is taken during Holy Week.
On a Sunday near the feast of Pentecost (late May/early June) we share in a diocesan-wide offering for the Episcopal Fund for Human Need (EFHN), which assists parish and community ministries throughout our diocese.
On the occasion of the bishop’s canonical visitation, an offering is taken for the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund, which is used to meet emergency needs throughout the diocese.
Parish Discretionary Funds
Parish discretionary funds are funded by the gifts of individual parishioners, honoraria given the clergy, and an additional line item of the parish operating budget. These funds are used for a variety of human needs within and outside the parish. For instance, discretionary funds are used to help community members with rent or utility assistance, medical or pharmaceutical assistance, gas and automobile maintenance, and other assistance.
For more information
For more information about these or any other Sharing ministries at St. John’s, please contact St. John's by EMAIL or at 765.742.4079.