Suspension of In-person Services
January 16th and 23rd
St. John's will be returning to virtual (Zoom) services only for the next two weeks (January 16th and 23rd) because of rising COVID rates in Tippecanoe County. On January 11th, the COVIDACTNOW dashboard reported that Tippecanoe County had a test positivity rate of 35% and one of the highest cases rates (per 100k residents) in the state. Area hospitals are also overwhelmed at the moment.
The Regathering Task Force will be meeting this weekend to discuss additional action beyond the 23rd. We will return to in-person worship as soon as it is safe to do so.
Please keep those members of our church and our community who are sick as well as hospital staff in your prayers. If you have any questions, please contact Bradley Pace via EMAIL or by phone at 765.742.4079 ext. 102.