Bread for the World
2021 Offering of Letters

St. John’s is once again participating in the "Offering of Letters" for Bread for the World. Writing letters to our representatives is an opportunity to advocate for programs to help keep all our children fed. This year we are especially focusing on ending childhood hunger through the Child Tax Credit. A full explanation of the Offering of Letters can be found on the Bread for the World website:

Our goal at St. John’s is to send 100 or more letters before the end of June 2021. Once you have written your letters or called your representatives, please contact Becky Dick by email at Becky needs to know who has been contacted and how (by phone, email, or letter).

You can find information about the Child Tax Credit and other talking points HERE to help you craft your personalized letter. Your letter must be personalized to be counted as unique! Please change at least 20% of the wording to make it your own.

Feel free to contact your representatives by letter, email, or phone. You may send a letter electronically or hand write/type a personalized letter. If you would like to send an electronic letter, click HERE to send it through the Bread for the World website. If you prefer to call or to send a handwritten/typed a letter directly phone numbers and addresses are as follows:

Senator Mike Braun
115 N Pennsylvania St
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 822-8240
Email address:

Senator Todd Young
251 N Illinois St, Ste 120
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 226-6700
Email Address:

Representative Jim Baird, 4th District
355 S Washington St, Ste 210
Danville, IN 46122
(317) 563-5567
Email Address:
