ILGL Virtual Rally against Hate

KKK recruitment flyers were recently distributed around Battle Ground. This comes on the heals of previous attempts to spread KKK flyers in Lafayette and West Lafayette and other hateful incidents in our state and nation. It is important for all people of good will to remind our community that these voices of hatred represent a small minority and do  not represent where we live. 

To send that message, the Interfaith Leaders of Greater Lafayette are asking you to help in a VIRTUAL RALLY to carry our voice to the community. Here's how you can help:

1. Use your computer or smartphone to make a short video of a couple sentences.  Some examples might include:

  • "No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here"

  • "No hate is welcome in our state"

  • "No matter where you're from or what language you speak, we're glad you're our neighbor."

  • "Neutrality always helps the oppressor and we will not be neutral!"

  • "Silence is akin to complicity and we will not be silent!"

  • "Love your neighbor, and everyone is my neighbor"

2.  Send your video directly to with your written permission for ILGL to use your video: " I  ____________ allow this video of myself to be used by ILGL to create a social justice video, which will be spread via email and social media"

3. Once the video is complete, it will be available on social media and google. Please SHARE IT LIKE CRAZY to send a message of love and welcome to our community!

For more information, contact ILGL or Bradley Pace.
