Beloved in Christ,
I’m writing to give you another update on the ways the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting the St. John’s community. At this point, both Governor Holcomb and the Tippecanoe County Health Department are recommending that public events be modified or cancelled; and Bishop Jennifer has required that all in-person worship gatherings be cancelled after this Sunday, March 15th. You can read her letter HERE. As a result, and in consultation with the Wardens and staff, I have decided that we will have worship this Sunday, March 15th at 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. If you are sick, especially vulnerable, or in contact with others who may be please stay home. In addition, all parish activities are cancelled effective immediately. This includes all parish ministries (altar guild, choir, the Sustaining Stories Cooperative, etc.), formation (Pub Theology, the Rector’s Forum, Godly Play, Youth Group, Bible Study, etc.), and gatherings (including coffee hour this Sunday). The office will also be operating on a limited schedule. As I mentioned in my last message, you are welcome to email or call the church office, call me directly at 312.208.8791, or call Gretchen at 765.532.3154.
In the meantime, we will be sending out worship resources and other ways to remain connected. On Sundays and at other times, we will offer prayer and reflection via Facebook Live (and other media as available). One very useful resource is the Daily Office Online created by St. John’s parishioner Josh Thomas. In addition, we will be putting together pastoral care teams who will make phone calls and reach out in other ways to remain in contact during the time the church is closed.
During this time of uncertainty, I ask that you pray for those who are vulnerable because of their health as well as those who are economically vulnerable. If you know of anyone who needs to be contacted or needs other assistance, please call the church office or me directly.
My friends, this is an anxious time. Please know that God is with you, and as the body of Christ, we are with one another in spirit if not in body.
God bless,
Bradley Pace+